fredag 19 september 2008

Facing The Giants

Tears are not always bad. I actually feel so relived after yesterdays a whole lot of crying!
I meet some GIANTS in my life and that specific one seemed to overwhelm me and make me week and unsure. But with good friends help and long times in prayer the giant became smaller... And today in my morning prayer I could smell some victory coming. Not that I'm there yet but to decide to take authority over the thoughts and to give the thoughts back to God every time they come, made me stronger.
To have faith that God will provide for my personal needs and longings, I'm not talking about money, seems harder than to have faith for someone else. Why? I don't know. Maybe you experienced the same thing.
I personally think that this is the time were the soul is speaking to loud in me and that the Holy Spirit in me needs more room.
A lesson I learned in Mission SOS Bible Collage is to pray the hardest when I don't feel like it that is the time I need it the most. And it hit me again.
I came home after hours on my scooter, who knows were?, and watched the movie Facing the Giants. Again tears were running like floods and something in me got healed. A peace came over me and instead of asking God why and when, I started to thank and praise him for everything has done and is going to do.
I love standing in faith and see the miracles of God just pouring down from heaven! I’ve seen it so many times in my life and in others lives and it makes me trust in Him even more!
I love my Lord and Saviour! I love that worship song that goes "where would I be if you hadn’t done this for me, where would I turn if I didn't have you?" I have been thinking about that a lot. I wouldn’t have been a Missionary, been to Uganda, Ethiopia or US. I probably would still have been in hospital struggling with life and death, live or not live. But I'm not! I'm perfectly healthy and love life and everything that comes with that, even times of need. That's when none can compare to the God that gave me life, hope, love and all the other blessings in my life.
I'm so blessed!

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